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NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model 3.0™ (August 2018, FREE TO DOWNLOAD)


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The NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model™ was developed to provide the field with a comprehensive, validated tool suitable as the foundation for a breadth of leadership assessment and development applications. The NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model™ has been used by healthcare organizations in a variety of ways, including:
• Development of organizationally specific leadership competencies
• Resource validation for the creation of targeted leadership development programming
• Reference as a validated resource for peer-reviewed articles 
• Foundation for healthcare administrative program curriculum 
• Roadmap for professional development within the healthcare leadership community
• Creation of 360 leadership assessments
• Self-assessment of leadership skills and abilities
• Use of the competency model abroad
• Creation of succession planning and talent pipelines 
To ensure relevance to leaders from across disciplines, the Model was developed and validated using interdisciplinary subject matter experts and was refined in collaboration with industrial and educational psychologists. As a comprehensive tool, the Model can serve as a resource for emerging leaders, current leaders, graduate and fellowship programs, and organizational and leadership training and development departments across the US and abroad. 
For more information on how this tool can be used in your professional development or implemented at your organization, please contact:
Ren Lovegood
Senior Manager, Leadership Excellence Networks (LENS)
National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL)


NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model 3.0™ (August 2018, FREE TO DOWNLOAD)


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